Chapter 8: Strings

 Strings are a fundamental part of many C programs. In this chapter, we'll explore string handling in C programming. You'll learn how to declare and initialize strings, perform operations like concatenation and comparison, and use string functions from the standard library. We'll also discuss the concept of null-terminated character arrays and their role in representing strings in C. Real-world examples will help you understand the practical applications of strings in programming.


#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main() { char message[50]; // Declare a character array for the string // Initialize the string strcpy(message, "Hello, world!"); // Print the string printf("Message: %s\n", message); // Get the length of the string int length = strlen(message); printf("Length: %d\n", length); return 0; }


We declare a character array called message with a size of 50 to store the string. We initialize the string using the strcpy() function from the string.h library. Using printf(), we display the string and its length using the strlen() function.

To compile and run the program, follow the same steps as in the previous chapters.

In the next chapter, we'll explore structures, which allow you to create custom data types by grouping related variables together.

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Chapter 10: File Handling

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